BI & Financial Management Processes


  • Condico helps its clients better track the per­for­mance of their strategic and oper­a­tional deci­sions and to take timely pre­ventive or cor­rective actions.
  • Condico takes pride for helping its clients to make deci­sions based on insight and facts, instead of guesses.

Business Intel­li­gence enables orga­ni­za­tions to use data to gen­erate insights and make better decisions.

Condico helps its clients define leading and lagging KPIs linked with the value drivers of their business. Condico pro­vides dash­boards to track KPIs evo­lution and pro­duces data-driven insights to support decision-making.


  • Condico enables more effi­cient and com­pliant financial man­agement processes, including better cash flow and working capital per­for­mance, and leaner control and reporting.

Solid financial man­agement processes are essential for the per­for­mance of every company.

Condico ana­lyzes its clients’ existing order-to-cash, pur­chase-to-pay, record-to-report, inventory man­agement or investment planning and control processes. Condico develops and imple­ments processes and tools that improve effi­ciency and compliance.

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